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Addinex Technologies, Inc.
Platform for Preventing Prescription Drug Misuse
Medication Misuse Epidemic
300 million psychotropic prescriptions, including opioids, are written to 119 million Americans annually.
14.2 million people misuse these drugs.
100,000 overdose deaths annually, more than from car accidents.
The Addinex team is focused on preventing medication misuse, addiction, and overdose.
Key Drivers
Clinical studies have demonstrated that misuse and addiction are driven by three key drivers: overprescribing, overuse, and retention of excess pills
The Addinex system is designed to help clinicians and patients to counter each of these key drivers with the goal of stopping the epidemic in its tracks.
Up to 92% of patients have unused pills after surgery according to a study by Johns Hopkins University. The American Journal of Law and Medicine states that there is a "paucity of trustworthy, current data" in prescribing opioids.
Risk of addiction increases with initial time of use. A University of Michigan study found that one in 16 users of opioids become chronic users after just one dose and the risk of prolonged use increases dramatically after 4-5 days. Just a 10 day prescription leads to a 20% chance of still being on the drug after one year.
Lack of Disposal
The JHU study found that more than 90% of patients fail to properly dispose of leftover pills leading to over 3 billion opioids annually retained or diverted. 50% of illicitly used pills come from one's own or a friend's medicine cabinet.
Our Solution
Addinex has developed a low-cost, patented opioid dispensing system to prevent prescription drug misuse with:
Password-protected dosage access,
Real-time patient education,
Personalized feedback,
Excess medication destruction, and
Data feedback on actual usage patterns.
Like the proven efficacy of seatbelts in cars and helmets for motorcyclists, our system
adds a level of protection for useful, but potentially dangerous medications.
Controlled Dispensing
Password-Protected Dosing
Each dose requires a unique passcode that matches only the patient with the device. Passcodes are only released to the actual user and on the prescription's schedule.
Easy to Use App
All passcodes must be requested through our digital database via our mobile app, web app, text, or call-in service (coming soon). The request process is quick and easy.
Lock-Out Feature
The Addinex dispenser does not allow a patient to access the next pill until the minimum time interval has passed based on the prescription. For example, one pill 2-4 times per day allows one pill every six hours.
The Addinex dispenser has no electronics making it very cost effective. All of the patient specific features of the system are accessed via the related App or other methods.
Patient Education
How to Use Drug
Provides advice on proper usage including with or without food or water, best time of day to take, proper storage, etc.
Patients will be educated on the dangers of prolonged opioid use, especially as their usage time extends beyond a few days or for similar patients.
Side Effects
Side effects and contraindications to other drugs will be highlighted to allow patients to monitor their health and alert their doctor if required.
Patients will be asked to enter their pain levels in the app before each passcode is released. Once pain levels drop to a manageable level, users will be prompted to consider less risky pain medications.
Medication Disposal
Easy Disposal System
Current disposal options are complicated or inconvenient. <10% of users properly dispose of excess pills. The ADX system comes with an easy to use prepaid return mailer to send back the dispenser with excess pills for proper disposal.
Environmental Benefits
Unlike other pill bottles, ADX devices are inexpensive and disposable. They can be returned, sterilized, and re-used to keep more plastic out of landfills. This also keeps costs down.
Risk Reduction
Return of ADX device and excess pills eliminates risk of illicit use by teens, nannies, neighbors, or anyone else who has access to your pill bottles. Also keeps patients from taking drugs in the future without doctor monitoring.
Tampering Penalties
Tampering with the device or failure to return it will result in the patient's name being entered into a database accessible to doctors, putting their ability to be prescribed opioids in the future at risk.
Data Collection
HIPAA Compliant
All data will meet all HIPAA standards. No personally identifiable information will be shared.
Data Usage
Doctors will be able to use data collected from prior patients to determine appropriate prescribing levels which will lower overprescribing and lead to huge cost and life savings.
Pain Level Monitoring
Time and user pain levels are collected upon every dosage request. This information coupled with an optional physical characteristics questionnaire (e.g., age, weight, height, etc.) allow for personalized patient feedback on their usage and recovery.
Risky User Database
Any patient who tampers with the device or fails to return it will be listed in a database that allows doctors to determine whether such patient is abusing the drug.
How it Works
Step 1: See Your Doctor
Your doctor or insurance company may recommend or require the use of the Addinex system to manage your at-home opioid or Suboxone use. Your doctor will determine your specific pain medication, dosage, and duration.
Step 2: Pharmacist
The pharmacist will fill your prescription using the Addinex system and provide you with both the dispenser and a pre-paid disposal mailer, if necessary.
Step 3: Addinex App
Simply enter the Addinex dispenser ID and personal ID to gain access to your unique device passcode. Answer a few simple anonymous questions to help Addinex provide you with personalized feedback on usage and treatment monitoring (e.g., pain levels, side effects, etc.).
Step 4: Dispense Your Medication
Enter the unique passcode obtained from the app for each dose, but no more often than the doctor prescribed. Repeat as needed or recommended by your doctor.
Step 5: Get Educated
Addinex will provide you with valuable information (e.g., possible side-effects, addiction statistics, etc.) each time you take a dose. Our app will monitor your treatment progression and alert you, your doctor, and a caregiver of your choice on any abnormal outcomes. You will also be warned when you attempt to take more medication or more often than is typical for similar patients.
Step 6: Dispose of Excess Medication
Once you feel better, it's time to return the device. To avoid the risk of access by unauthorized users and to keep yourself safe from using the medication in the future without a doctor's oversight, we require that the Addinex dispenser be returned for disposal in our easy-to-use pre-paid mailer which can be sent via U.S. mail. Addinex will alert doctors if patients fail to return the device which could compromise access to future prescriptions.
Jay Schiff
Co-Founder & CEO
Jay is a Wall Street veteran who has invested $1 billion in small and mid-sized businesses. He has managed private investment businesses for Merrill Lynch, a $1 billion private equity firm, and a venture-backed finance company. Jay holds a BA in Economics from Cornell University and an MBA in Finance and MS in Accounting from NYU.
Stan Roslyakov
Co-Founder & CTO
Stan is a NASA award winning engineer who has started several technology-based companies. He is experienced in mechanical, electrical, and software engineering. Stan holds both BS and MS degrees in Engineering from NYU.
Michael Genovese, MD
Medical Advisor
Dr. Genovese is the former Chief Medical Officer for Acadia Healthcare, the largest stand-alone behavioral health company in the U.S. He was a fellow at the NYU/North Shore University Hospital Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program and he completed residency training at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He also holds a JD degree.